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iStock-839849234-web Family & Youths
For families and youth, that means amenities and activities that keep parents and kids engaged and entertained. Take full advantage of our two indoor pools: one 6-lane lap pool for swimming, water aerobics and one family pool (complete with spray bay) for infant and toddler play, as well as swim lessons, and other aquatic programs.
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There is plenty for everyone to enjoy at the Newtown Community Center. Host a party or milestone celebration in one of our banquet rooms. Meet new friends or peers at social events throughout our meeting and multi-purpose rooms. There’s always a detailed Calendar of Events- our campus affords endless opportunities for connection and interaction.
iStock-502643663_web Teens and Tweens
For teens and tweens, that means a safe and spacious place to meet up with good friends and make a new ones! Gather for pizza and a movie in one of our activity rooms. Host a “Battle of the Bands” in a multi-purpose room. Join an art, wellness, after school program or chill at the pool. Hire a DJ and throw a birthday party. The opportunities are endless!
iStock-465784330_web Seniors
For seniors, that means programs designed to complement those of our campus neighbor, the Newtown Senior Center. Enjoy our 6 lane lap pool and unique-to-the area “zero entry” pool that’s easy in, easy out – great for water aerobics. There’s also a selection of engaging activities, such as evening opportunities and multi-generational events.
Room Rentals
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